Saturday, March 14, 2009

Poll Results

We had so much fun with our poll. Thanks to all of you who voted. The students analyzed the results and answered a few questions about the results.

On Tuesday we took notes about the number of votes and how many people had visited our blog to compare with the final numbers on Friday. See if you can answer our questions.

1) How many people voted from Tuesday to Friday? (49 people had voted as of Tuesday)

2) How many people voted for video, card and board games?

3) How many more people voted for outdoor games than video, card and board games combined?

4) How many people visited our blog from Tuesday to Friday? (82 people had visited on Tuesday and 207 on Friday)

Good luck. We would love to see your answers.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Lewis and Clark

Lewis and Clark traded beads for food they really needed. They had to use Sacajawea to tell the indians they were peaceful. Sacajawea guided them when they didn't know the way to where they going.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The 3rd Grade Dance

I liked the third grade dance because it was a chalange. I had a lot of fun. And I had a great time.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Students Will Start Blogging

I have been wanting to let the students blog for quite some time now but just couldn't get it all together. Well, starting Monday we will post a poll. I will let the students come up with the topic. I will create it as the students watch. I hope this sparks some interest in blogging. Students will also take turns answering a math question posted on Our class is working with Mrs. Steed's Sophomore Geometry class in practicing different math problems as well as problem solving. It will be a great experience for all.

Late in the week I would like for the students to be able post some writing that we will be doing. Students will create a picture book using Kerpoof and I "think" I can figure out a way to post some of them.

Please come back and visit and see some of our work. We would love to hear from you and let us know what you think of our blog and this activity.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We Made It Through the Day

What a day! The kids were awesome and worked very hard. Most of the students did not finish until after lunch so those that were finished had to sit quietly ALL DAY! They couldn't even talk during lunch. It was tough but they did it!

I am proud of their behavior and the effort they all made to be successful.